Mikheil Saakashvili: After the elections, the pre-agreed government should be approved, which should include the most depoliticized specialists - we all must agree on a joint presidential candidate in advance

The government should be taken over by this new generation, which, in my estimation, is fully ready for it, - the third president, Mikheil Saakashvili, writes on the social network.

Saakashvili talked about the importance of unity around basic principles.

"Now the main thing is unity. What unity means to me - it is the unity of young people, civil society and politicians around basic principles, the decisive role in the formation of which should be given to civil society.

Political parties must agree on a common list, which will be created on neutral principles, with a randomly selected number. After the defeat of Dream in the elections, the pre-agreed composition of the government should be approved, which should include the most depoliticized specialists known to the public, and this government should lead the transition period.

The youth, the civil sector, the parties, we all must agree on a joint presidential candidate in advance. Also on the candidates for the Chairperson of the Supreme Court and the Chief Prosecutor.

Everything should be done in full transparency in order to exclude any deals behind people's backs and not allow oligarchs to interfere in political processes. For this, it is desirable that when the time comes, the main candidates are chosen before a large gathering.

This is my version, we are open to any other options that provide unity. In the end, the government should be taken over by this new generation, which, in my opinion, is fully ready for it," Saakashvili said.

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