Gia Volksi on House of Representatives' bill: Opposition deems it as victory - our opponents are working to damage the country

"I would like to calm down our opponents, the country won't bear any losses, despite such intensive and furious fight", - stated the Vice Speaker of the Parliament, MP Gia Volski in response to the bill of House of Representatives.

"Opposition deems it as victory. This is a lie of the opposition. While we are working on integration with NATO, on strengthening cooperation with the US, our opponents are working to damage our country, in order for the assistance and political support to be diminished. There is also the trace of "Frontera". The dispute between "Frontera" and Georgia has been reviewed under the Stockholm international arbitration and it's been established that "Frontera" isn't right. Naturally, it doesn't have anything to do with limiting the US investments, especially given the serious OPEC investment in Georgia that is being carried out now. In addition, there is a group of Congressman that is know to us, who drafted the bill which is to be discussed in the Committee, then to another Committee and eventually it should be signed by the whole Congress, this doesn't seem to be realistic. Therefore, I would like to calm down our opponents, the country won't bear any losses, despite such intensive and furious fight", - stated Volski.

For the record, the House of Representatives bill states that $132,025,000 financial assistance will be allocated for Georgia. However, the document notes that 15% of the funds may not be obligated if State Secretary doesn't determine and report that the Georgian government is meeting certain conditions which include: strengthening democratic institutions; combating corruption within the government; ensuring the rule of law in the private sector. The document also notes that he withholding of funds doesn't apply to programs that support "democracy, the rule of law, civil society and the media, or programs to reduce gender-based violence and to protect vulnerable populations".

Steven Blockmans: If Georgia misses the opportunity to get closer to the EU, it will take a long time to repair the damage caused by the autocratic regime