President’s press service says President of Israel promised President of Georgia to speed up the process of legal employment of Georgians in Israel

President of Georgia Salome Zourabichvili met with President of the State of Israel Reuven Rivlin. The meeting was held within the framework of the working visit being paid by the President of Georgia to Jerusalem to participate in the 5th World Israeli Holocaust Forum.

According to the Administration of the President, Salome Zourabichvili asked the Israeli President to speed up the signing of a circular migration agreement and noted that the agreement, which will give Georgian citizens an opportunity to be legally employed in Israel, will promote reduction of the illegal flow from Georgia.

According to Lasha Zhvania, Georgia's Ambassador to the State of Israel, the draft agreement on circular migration is practically ready, but its signing was hampered by the parliamentary election process. The agreement will also help Israel regulate the situation at the border and at the airports, as in recent years there have been a lot of cases of deportation of citizens of Georgia and other countries.

According to him, the President of Israel promised the President of Georgia to speed up the process of signing of the agreement.

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