Tengiz Tsertsvadze: “Fever center” is a know-how of Georgia, Georgia will soon equal Germany

“Fever center” is a know-how of Georgia and this seems to have worked. The number of tests has increased, but the number of patients has not increased, - Tengiz Tsertsvadze, Director of the Infectious Diseases Hospital, said.

He urged the public not to take advantage of lifted restrictions.

At the same time, Tsertsvadze noted that Georgia will soon equal Germany in terms of tested patients per day.

“I urge you not to take advantage of this situation. If in the first days, we were testing 2-3 hundred people, now this figure has exceeded 1500 and will soon reach 3000. Soon the numbers of our tests, as claimed by the Ministry and NCDC, I am not involved in this process, will equal the figures of Germany, which is a leader in Europe and which tests 3000 people per day.

Pay attention to one thing, we have been testing relatively few people, but those who really needed it. Georgia has introduced a system of ambulance, family doctor a "fever center". Believe me, no European country had such a circle, such a cascade. The "fever center” is a know-how of Georgia, which seems to have worked, as the number of tests has increased, but the number of patients has not increased. This indicates that even with small number of tests, we had been testing those who really needed it”, Tsertsvadze said.

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