Government report: COVID-19 infection rate for medical personnel stands at 13%

The COVID-19 infection rate for workers of the healthcare system stands at 13% - states the government's report about COVID-19 that has been presented to the parliament today. According to the report, in order to avoid the virus spread, locating medical personnel to the standard service provider clinics other than that of COVID-19 and fever centers, was limited on purpose.

"According to different sources, the infection rate for the healthcare system employees varies from 5 to 20%. The COVID-19 infection rate for Georgian medical personnel stands at 13%. In order to decrease the medical personnel infection risk to its minimum, the Healthcare Ministry conducted trainings about infection prevention and control, provided special protecting equipment, and introduced the 2-weeks rotation system. In addition, in order to avoid the virus spread, locating medical personnel to the standard service provider clinics other than that of COVID-19 and fever centers, was limited on purpose. The special recreational conditions were created for the rotational personnel involved in the fight against the COVID-19. Starting from April, the COVID-19 and fever clinics as well as the ambulance personnel were checked with rapid testings. As for May, the medical personnel is subject to regular PCR testing for the highest possible diagnostic accuracy.

As for further training of medical personnel, the report states that the infection control trainings were provided for 1245 personnel from the COVID-19 and fever clinics (between February and April). The list of training contributors includes: WHO; USA Centers for Disease Control and Prevention; USAID; Caritas Czech Republic; Open Society - Georgia Foundation; The Global Fund to Fight AIDS, Tuberculosis and Malaria. "The trainings for COVID-19 early diagnosis and infection control was provided for the 75% (974) of medical personnel from the villages and 90% of the ones from the cities - 2500 medics overall. With the support of the Open Society - Georgia Foundation, the trainings in managing the critical events was provided for 29 COVID-19 clinics. Starting from May, the Ministry of Healthcare started on the ground trainings in 29 COVID-19 and 16 fever clinics", - it is noted in the report.

According to the same document, for the quarantine space monitoring purposes, the Ministry of Healthcare mobilized 405 doctors and nurses.

"It should be emphasized that there are 95 patients with temperature, located in the specially designated hotel - they are under medical observation but are not in need of hospitalization. However, due to personal reasons, they cannot self-isolate in their apartments. The medical personnel placed in the hotel is provided with special equipment, including pulse oximetries which enable them to quickly assess the deteriorating conditions. In order to mobilize students, 25 primary healthcare institutions invited the 5th and 6th-year medical students were involved in handling the consultation models. The mobilization and training process of the students will continue in preparation of the possible second wave", - reports the document.

Petras Auštrevičius- the path that the "Georgian Dream" is taking is an absolutely Russian, Eastern path