Irakli Kobakhidze: Package of bills which envisages termination and suspension of funding for parties that do not fully claim their mandates has been introduced in the Parliament

A party which will not be involved in parliamentary work or whose parliamentary mandates will be suspended will have its state funding cancelled or suspended for a year - the package of relevant bills has been submitted to the parliament as an initiative, - Parliamentary majority leader, Irakli Kobakhidze, said at a briefing at the party office.

As Kobakhidze stated, according to the bills, the same parties will not be able to enjoy free airtime for municipal and parliamentary elections.

"First of all, we would like to inform you that a package of bills against parliamentary sabotage was initiated in the parliament yesterday. The package envisages the cessation and suspension of state funding for political parties that do not fully claim parliamentary mandates or whose nominated MPs miss parliamentary plenary sessions for unreasonable reasons. According to the bill, a party whose members will have their parliamentary mandates suspended or who will not participate in parliamentary work will have their state funding cancelled or suspended for one year. According to an amendment to the Electoral Code, the same parties will not be eligible for free airtime for municipal and parliamentary elections. In addition, the amendment to the Rules of Procedure of the Parliament will terminate the remuneration for those Members of Parliament who do not attend none of plenary sessions during the month", -stated Kobakhidze.

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