Irakli Gharibashvili: We discussed with Pfizer's Supervisory Board Chairman and CEO Albert Bourla the issue of providing additional million doses of Pfizer

We continue intensive negotiations with vaccine manufacturers and partner countries to mobilize additional doses of the vaccine as soon as possible, - the Prime Minister of Georgia Irakli Gharibashvili wrote on his Facebook page.

The head of government notes that in a telephone conversation with the chairman and CEO of Pfizer, Albert Bourla, he discussed the issue of delivering an additional million doses of Pfizer.

"We talked about the logistical and technical readiness to receive additional doses of Pfizer in Georgia, including the ultra-cold chain system, as well as the vaccination process. I mentioned that the Pfizer vaccine enjoys high trust in Georgia.

We have focused on the National Vaccination Plan, which aims to vaccinate 60% of the population by the end of the year, and the special importance of mobilizing appropriate doses of the vaccine in a timely manner. I thank the Supervisory Board Chairman and CEO of Pfizer Albert Bourla for cooperation and hope that, based on the ongoing negotiations, we will receive additional doses as soon as possible", - said the Prime Minister.

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