Dimitri Mamagulashvili, who was illegally detained by the Russian occupation forces near the village of Dvani, is free

Dimitri Mamagulashvili, who was illegally detained by the Russian occupation forces on April 17 near the village of Dvani in the Kareli municipality, is free and is in the territory controlled by the central government, the State Security Service reports.

According to the agency, both the hotline mechanism and all other tools at the disposal of the central government were actively used in order to release Mamaguashvili immediately.

"Responsibility for all destructive actions carried out in the occupied regions of Georgia and along the occupation line rests with the occupying power.

The central government, together with international partners, continues to work actively to release all citizens of Georgia who are illegally imprisoned in the occupied territories," reads the statement of the Security Service.

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Estonian Ambassador to Georgia - If we want EU membership, we should all play by the rules - The Georgian Government on the one hand says that they are moving closer to the EU, but their actions do not prove that