Giga Bokeria: When declaring Russia as a malicious dictatorship, we do not have a government that would promote our national interests

When declaring Russia as a malicious dictatorship, we do not have a government that would promote our national interests, Chairman of European Georgia, Giga Bokeria, thus responded to the declaration of Russia as a dictatorship by the European Council.

As Bokeria noted, there is a belated, but logical, legitimate and necessary process from various institutions of the free world to assess Putin's Russia as a terrorist state.

"The Holodomor committed by the Soviet Union was also recognized as genocide, the successor of which is today's Russia. At such a time, we do not have a government that would promote our national interests from a moral and pragmatic point of view.

We do not have a government that, for example, would raise the issue of the genocide of Georgians by the Russians in Georgia in the 90s or the ethnic cleansing carried out as a result of the aggression of 2008. Instead of all this, we have a regime that is isolating us from the West and leaves us alone face to face with Russia," Giga Bokeria said.

George Katcharava - The events of April 2024 determine future trends of global pollical and security architecture