Kakha Kaladze: There have been more cases when offenders insult our employees and sometimes even touch them physically - I am not going to turn a blind eye to this, these people should be punished

The mayor of the capital city, Kakha Kaladze, spoke at the meeting of the Tbilisi Municipality government about frequent incidents of physical violence against city hall employees in the process of performing their official duties and the necessity of strict legal response in similar cases.

Kakha Kaladze instructed the vice-mayor, Irakli Khmaladze, that in close cooperation with the relevant agencies, the strictest measures within the framework of the law should be implemented as soon as possible in relation to such facts.

"In order for our beautiful city to be constantly orderly, travel to be safe, cars to be properly parked, no illegal constructions to take place, no chaotic outside trade, pollution of the city with construction or other dangerous materials, etc., our employees work 24 hours a day They work selflessly and carry out their official duties.

Along with the enforcement of the law, there have been more cases when our employees, while exercising their powers, are insulted and sometimes even physically touched by law-breakers. All this is severe and categorically unacceptable. I'm not going to turn a blind eye and be silent about this, because you all live in this city and we all want to have a better city. It doesn't matter who has what political views, we have children, we are raising the next generation, maintaining order and respecting each other is important. Society should be united on this. Our improperly parked car causes the biggest problem for other people, pedestrians, even for those who travel by private vehicles. That's why I want to instruct the vice-mayor to act in accordance with the law", said the mayor of Tbilisi.

Kakha Kaladze expressed his support and assistance to the employees.

"I express my full support and support to each of our employees who serve this city with dignity and professionalism. Physical violence is wrong and categorically unacceptable, and such people who physically assault our employees while performing their duties must be punished. With the involvement of relevant agencies, act in accordance with the law", said Kakha Kaladze.

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