Occupied Abkhazia imposes new restrictions regarding coronavirus

The de facto government of the occupied Abkhazia will be imposing new restrictions regarding the coronavirus from October 5, - reports local media.

According to reports, the so-called president signed an order imposing restrictions based on the decision of the coronavirus protection coordination headquarters.

The order will prohibit mass sports, entertainment and exhibition events indoors. Exceptions will be allowed only for cultural institutions that will be required to meet the following requirements: staff must use individual means of protection, event guests must take the seats in the halls by skipping two seats, and buildings must be disinfected daily. Wedding and other ceremonial events will be also prohibited. It is recommended to limit the number of persons participating in funeral and memorial ceremonies. Food establishments were instructed to place tables for customers at a distance of at least 1.5 meters from each other. The administrations of food, agricultural products and clothing markets in Sukhumi and the regions have been instructed to carry out disinfection works every day.

According to the de-facto authorities, total of 782 cases of coronavirus have been confirmed in occupied Abkhazia, of which 7 people have died.

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