Ana Natsvlishvili: Georgian Dream politically and legally joined the clan and confirmed its complicity in the crime

Georgian Dream politically and legally joined the "clan" and confirmed its complicity in the crime - Let us remind you that the patronage of the sanctioned clan threatens the security of the Georgia­­n Dream as well, Lelo deputy Ana Natsvilishvili told reporters, evaluating the decision of the majority to refuse registration as a sign of solidarity with the judges, and due to the lack of a quorum, the vote on the creation of the investigative commission was not held.

As she noted, Georgia­n Dream is engaged in hiding crimes.

"Today, Georgia­n Dream was defeated and proved once again that it is an accomplice to the crime and is engaged in hiding this crime.

The government, which believes in its own statements that there are no problems and serious crimes in the court, would not be afraid to create a fact-finding commission. Georgia­n Dream is afraid of the truth, that's why it ran away from the battlefield, so that a fact-finding commission was not created in relation to the court.

I would like to thank the opposition for mobilizing and I hope that this mobilization will continue. However, the fact is that Georgia­n Dream joined the clan and confirmed its complicity in the crime, both politically and legally. Let us remind you that the patronage of the sanctioned clan threatens the security of the Georgia­n Dream as well," said Natsvilishvili.

For information, due to the lack of a quorum, the vote on the issue of creating an investigative commission regarding the judiciary could not be held. According to the decision of the majority, they did not register for voting, which Irakli Kobakhidze, the leader of the majority, assessed as an "act of solidarity" towards Georgian judges. Only 51 MPs registered for the session.

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