Irakli Kobakhidze: The latest ratings are as follows: National Movement - 18%, all other parties below 5% - we are getting the constitutional majority - Gvaramia-Melia-Khazaradze - this is a collective National Movement, and just like their past, their future will also be dark

The latest ratings are as follows: National Movement - 18%, all other parties below 5% - we are getting the constitutional majority, Prime Minister Irakli Kobakhidze told reporters.

According to him, Georgian Dream should get three times more votes than the National Movement.

"The latest ratings are as follows: National Movement 18%, all other parties below 5%, this is the situation in the opposition. Therefore, sometimes they try to group, sometimes they try to make other decisions. Internal disharmony is also one of their problems, it is difficult for them to unite. In the end, we think we will reach the elections with an optimal picture. It would be ideal if not a single satellite of the National Movement crosses the electoral threshold. We want to get a constitutional majority, which means that Georgian Dream"should get three times more votes than the National Movement. This is our task, it is an absolutely realistic task. Today's data is exactly like this: we have 60% and the National Movement -18, which means that according to today's data, we will get a constitutional majority. Our task is to maintain and further increase the support we have," said Kobakhidze.

According to him, Nika Gvaramia, Nika Melia, as well as Mamuka Khazaradze had a dark past and will have such a future.

"Gvaramia, Melia - their political future will be the same as their political past, i.e. dark and heavy. Such was the political past of Gvaramia, Melia, Khazaradze, you remember what they did.

Khazaradze was a businessman and promised that he would bring businessmen to Georgia, however, he failed to do this as well, he could not bring any investors. Gvaramia-Melia-Khazaradze - this is one group, it is a collective National Movement, just like their past, their future will also be dark," said Kobakhidze.

Robin Wagener - With the law on "transparency of foreign influence", there will be no EU membership - No chance for that
Estonian Ambassador to Georgia - If we want EU membership, we should all play by the rules - The Georgian Government on the one hand says that they are moving closer to the EU, but their actions do not prove that