Shalva Papuashvili: There is a desire to suppress discussion by shouting, this is the most obvious example of dogmatism, when “we were told so from abroad” is the only argument – is this the independence we gained 30 years ago?

The Parliament was elected by the Georgian people in order to adopt Georgian laws, and this Parliament is adopting these laws, Parliament Chairman Shalva Papuashvili stated.

According to him, it is wrong when the Parliament is told, without any supporting arguments, what to adopt and what not to adopt.

“Yesterday, we saw once again that three is an attempt to block all discussion. Instead of discussion, we see slogans and there is a desire to suppress discussion by shouting. This is the most obvious example of dogmatism, when “we were told so from abroad” is the only argument. It is significant that the National Movement was talking about holding a plebiscite yesterday. I even asked Khabeishvili – so, if the people support it in a plebiscite, then, in that case, what they are being told from abroad no longer matters? So, this [argument] cannot have been the core assumption. I am surprised that the members of the Parliament are so dependent on their mandate. The Parliament of Georgia is the representative of the people. What we see today from some radical groups, including certain foreign actors, is [an attempt] to prohibit the Parliament from exercising its legislative and representative powers. The Parliament was elected by the Georgian people to adopt Georgian laws, and this Parliament is adopting these laws. And when it is being prohibited from doing so and being told, without arguments, what it should adopt and what is should not adopt, this is not right. The main thing is discussion, let everyone present their arguments! Yesterday, we did not hear any. When we ask the question, why should it not be adopted, the only answer is “because someone abroad said so.” Is this the independence that we gained 30 years ago? Is this the country where the people are the source of power, and not some foreign representative?” Papuashvili stated.

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