Russian Duma Deputy: Introduction of sanctions against Georgia by the European Union can be a useful step for the country

Introduction of sanctions against Georgia by the European Union can be a useful step for the country, because it will allow the Georgian people to understand that the West is trying to deprive them of their political and economic independence, - the first deputy chairman of the Security and Anti-Corruption Committee of the State Council of Russia, Andrey Lugovoy, said in an interview with the Russian media.

According to him, the Georgian version of the controversial law is more loyal to foreign agents than in other countries.

"If educated people don't see this, then most likely they are acting at the instigation of the Anglo-Saxons, and in the end, it's just double standards," said Lugovoy.

According to him, there is no hatred towards Russia among the population of Georgia and that Russian tourists are attracted to Georgia.

"Russians love Georgian cuisine, Georgian wine, Georgian sights, and besides, we are united by a single Orthodox religion. Now Georgians will have the opportunity to compare how Russia has behaved in recent years and how these unfriendly countries behave. I think that now the citizens of this country will see the disrespectful attitude towards them and their sovereignty," said Lugovoy.

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