Salome Samadashvili: The State Security Service is mainly a political persecution agency, and after the change of government, one of the priorities of Lelo will be the reformation of the said agency

In fact, the State Security Service is used today in the best Soviet traditions to establish control over citizens - the first thing that should be done is the adoption of the lustration law, Lelo deputy Salome Samadashvili said at the briefing.

According to her, today, the State Security Service is mainly a political persecution agency, and after the change of government, one of the priorities of Lel­o will be the reformation of the said agency.

"Reforming the Security Council will be one of our priorities, because this agency, which should serve the interests of the Georgian people, is currently serving the political regime and fulfilling the task of Russia. Therefore, we do not feel that there is any point in asking questions or dialogue with its current leader, but we would like to talk about the reform that we will implement after the change of government.

In fact, the State Security Service is used today in the best Soviet traditions to establish control over citizens, although it cannot perform the functions related to neutralizing threats to our state. The first thing to do is to adopt the law of lustration. As a result of the lustration, the people, who are determined to serve the interests of Russia in our country, will no longer have the opportunity to work against the Georgian people within the Georgian state agencies.

Implementation of lustration in the State Security Service will be one of the main political tasks along with other structural reforms", said Samadashvili.

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