Locum tenens Shio: It is time to think that killing of infants, abortions, declaring sodomy as normal and many other sins of the nation are the reason for such a total spread of the virus

Killing of infants, abortions, declaring sodomy as normal and many other things are the sins of the nation. Isn't it time to think that this is the reason for such a total spread of the virus? - said locum tenens Shio (Mujiri) in a sermon at the Trinity Cathedral.

According to him, the worldwide spread of coronavirus has two sides, one is more material, physiological and the other one is spiritual.

"What can we say about the current situation? Today is the hardest time worldwide. We can say that this event, like many events, has several aspects. Like a medal, we may think that this event also has two sides. One is the more material, physiological side. In this respect, of course, we are very worried and we must try to follow all the advice and recommendations of the health workers and the state. This is a manifestation of Christian love. But do you remember what His Holiness and Beatitude said in his preaching last week? - This is certainly needed and this is done for us, but this is not important if we only think about the material side. His Holiness said that the important thing is not to lose God, not to get away from God. This event has a second side, which is the higher one - spiritual. We should think about why this great ordeal has been sent to the mankind. We have said many times that such ordeals are not accidental. They serve to make people, families and nations think about their sins,” said locum tenens Shio.

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