US Embassy: Throughout your long, rich history, you have cherished and fought fiercely for your independence and sovereignty - the American people will continue to be your proud partner, as we have for over 30 years

The American people will continue to be your proud partner, as we have for over 30 years, - reads the statement released by the US Embassy, in which the American people wish the people of Georgia a happy Independence Day.

According to the statement, throughout the long, rich history, the people of Georgia have cherished and fought fiercely for independence and sovereignty and that spirit is as alive today as it has ever been.

“To the people of Georgia from the American people: Throughout your long, rich history, you have cherished and fought fiercely for your independence and sovereignty. That spirit is as alive today as it has ever been, especially in your drive to become members of the European Union and NATO and to ensure security and prosperity for future generations of Georgians. The American people will continue to be your proud partner, as we have for over 30 years. Happy Independence Day, Georgia!

As Ilia said, “We cannot show to our reliable youngsters a better thing, a better path, a more tried and truer path.”, reads the statement.

Robin Wagener - With the law on "transparency of foreign influence", there will be no EU membership - No chance for that
Estonian Ambassador to Georgia - If we want EU membership, we should all play by the rules - The Georgian Government on the one hand says that they are moving closer to the EU, but their actions do not prove that