The Public Defender continues to hold meetings in Ankara within the framework of his official visit

The public defender, Levan Ioseliani, who is on an official visit to Ankara, met with the chief ombudsman of Turkey, Sheref Malkoc, and the ombudsmen.

As mentioned in the information released by the Office of the Public Defender, at the meeting the parties talked about the memorandum signed between the Georgian and Turkish ombudsman institutes and discussed the issues of future cooperation.

According to their reports, Sheref Malkoc introduced the structure of the Turkish Ombudsman Institute and the way of investigating cases to the public defender.

"At the meeting with the head of the Human Rights and Equality Institute of Turkey, Muharem Kilic, they talked about the institute's mandate, the work issues of Turkey's national prevention mechanism and anti-discrimination mechanism, educational, research and awareness-raising activities. Levan Ioseliani reviewed the best practices of the anti-discrimination mechanism and the national prevention mechanism of Georgia. He paid special attention to the activities of the Public Defender's Office in the direction of raising awareness. The public defender stated that he is ready to share the many years of experience of the office with his Turkish colleagues within the framework of the memorandum of cooperation.

Within the framework of the visit, the Public Defender met with the Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary Ambassador of Georgia to the Republic of Turkey, Giorgi Janjghava, and received information on the state of protection of the rights of Georgian citizens living in the territory of Turkey," the information states.

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