Media organizations issue statement regarding draft law "On transparency of foreign influence"

We will not allow Georgian Dream to pass the Russian law! - The Russian law is another attempt by the Georgian Dream government to take away the voice of the citizens, destroy the independent media, silence the civil society and exclude the most active part of the society from public processes.

The organizations that signed the statement condemn the plan of the Georgian Dream government to discuss the "Russian law" in the Parliament and state that by returning the "Russian law", the Georgian government has shown its violent nature once again.

“The teacher of Georgian Dream is the Russian government, like which it wants to rule the country by subjugation and control, suppression and expulsion, lies and demagoguery.

With this law, we are rapidly moving from a mixed system of government to a firmly established authoritarianism, to the country of the Russian Qaida, where human life and dignity have no price, where corruption and nepotism, oppression and robbery are reigning, where there is no free media left and where no one can protect people from the violent state machine, where people have no opportunity to develop and the most valued quality is obedience.

We do not want to live in such a country and we are not going to!

We will not allow the Georgian Dream government to lose a real chance to return Georgia to the European family.

For years, Georgian Dream has not stopped fighting against different and critical opinions, which are often heard from our web pages and broadcasts. Because of this, independent media, together with civil society organizations, became the primary target of the government.

For years, hatred has been expressed towards journalists. The highest officials demonize journalists with conspiracy theories, misinformation and fabricated stories. The authorities of Georgia systematically harass and persecute journalists, do not allow them to work, abuse them verbally and physically.

Despite everything, we do not stop fighting for our ideals, our beloved profession, our dear readers, listeners and viewers, our beloved and only motherland. In this struggle, we have friends and strategic partners of our country who are no less happy than we are with our every achievement, every victory, every step forward.

Georgian independent media has constantly felt the support of international partners, whose contribution to all the important reforms implemented in Georgia is invaluable. Since Georgia's declaration of independence, our international partners have been the only guarantors of our security and independence.

International partners clearly expressed, for the second time, their strongly negative opinion on this damaging and harmful initiative of the Georgian Dream government and called on the Georgian government to withdraw it.

We will not allow the government of Georgian Dream to pass the Russian law to erect a deaf wall between Georgia and its true friends.

We will strengthen the resistance, defend our rights, the rights of our citizens and the right of our country to act according to its civilizational choice. Together with international partners, we will turn Georgia into a truly European democracy," reads the statement signed by the following media organizations: - Charter of Journalistic Ethics of Georgia, Studio Monitor, Radio Marneuli, Georgian News/Mtis Ambebi, Kutaisipost, Kvemo Kartli Media, Publika, Union of Investigative Journalists, Ai, Facti, Aliq Media Georgia, Guria News, Netgazeti, Batumelebi, Studio Rec,, Southern Gate -,, Media April, Voice of Kakheti -,, My Kharagauli,, Radio Atinati, Indigo, Jamnews,, Mediachecker.

Gabrielius Landsbergis - what we're seeing now is a Stalinization of the country