Restarting relations with the USA and the European Union is our main priority - we had serious difficulties in this direction during the past years, but everything indicates that in the near future it will be possible to qualitatively restart relations in both directions! - This statement was made by the Prime Minister candidate Irakli Kobakhidze.
According to Kobakhidze, the changes in the USA will give the Georgian government the opportunity to do so.
"We have high hopes for this - we will do everything to ensure the resumption of relations", said Kobakhidze.
He named the country's accession to the European Union by 2030 as one of the most important priorities.
"The country had all tangible achievements on the way to European integration under our government - be it the signing of the association agreement, signing of the free trade agreement, visa-free regime and candidate status. The country received all four tangible results under our government. Before that, there was zero progress on the way to European integration!
Our task and main priority is to become a member of the European Union by 2030. We have an ambitious goal to become a member of the European Union! Once again, we can repeat the promise that by 2030, Georgia will be more ready than all the candidate countries to become a member of the European Union - the most ready, both from the point of view of economic development and the point of view of the development of the democratic system. Maintaining peace is a very important condition for this. Here, too, we can make a firm promise that everything will be done to ensure peace and stable development in the country," said Kobakhidze.
The Prime Minister candidate also spoke about relations with NATO from the rostrum of the Parliament.
"The deepening of cooperation with NATO is one of the main priorities, which largely depends on the reset of relations - here we have very optimistic expectations," said Irakli Kobakhidze.