Shalva Papuashvili: Unfortunately, Davit Kezerashvili is being sheltered by Europe and we can see that he is planning an unrest in the country from there

According to the Chairman of the Parliament, Shalva Papuashvili, the former Minister of Defense, Davit Kezerashvili is in hiding in European countries and from there, he is stirring up the situation in Georgia.

As he told the journalists, he hopes that the European countries will look at this issue seriously and Davit Kezerashvili will be handed over to Georgia so that he can serve his sentence.

"As for the BBC article regarding Kezerashvili, which has been talked about for a long time, the fraudulent scheme, which was organized by call centers and engaged in ripping off pensioners, we see that there is a report on the BBC, and we are also talking about it. It proves once again what we are dealing with. Unfortunately, this person, I mean Kezerashvili, is sheltered by Europe. We can see that from there he is planning an unrest in the country. He himself admits that he finances political parties, the media, and the non-governmental sector. A person who first stole 5 million from the army, then robbed pensioners in a fraudulent scheme, this person is directly involved in financing Georgian politics, media and non-governmental sector. This is what we are talking about. It is a pity that the same mistake is being repeated, which was made with regard to Mikheil Saakashvili, when he was sheltered in European countries and he looked at the situation here from there. Now it is Davit Kezerashvili who is in hiding in the European countries and from there, he is stirring up the situation in Georgia. I hope that the European countries will take a serious look at this issue and Davit Kezerashvili will be handed over to Georgia so that he can serve the punishment for the crime he committed," Papuashvili said.

According to the Chairman of the Parliament, the money that Davit Kezerashvili spends in the Georgian media, politics and non-governmental sector is stolen both from the Georgian army and pensioners.

"As a citizen of Georgia, it is my wish that the person sentenced to 5 years of imprisonment in Georgia should serve his sentence in Georgia. Just like other criminals of the previous regime, who are taking refuge in different countries, Zurab Adeishvili is among them," Papuashvili said.

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