Nika Melia: They are spreading lies, as if Nika Gvaramia and I are meeting Davit Kezerashvili outside the country - I am not planning any meeting with him on any issue, either now or in the future

One of the leaders of the Akhali party, Nika Melia, calls false the information that he and Nika Gvaramia are meeting with the former Minister of Defense, Davit Kezerashvili outside the country. As Melia writes on Facebook, he is not planning any meeting with Kezerashvili either now or in the future.

"The Dream party televisions, acting under the direct instructions of the State Security Service, are spreading lies, as if Nika Gvaramia and I are meeting Davit Kezerashvili outside the country.

My position regarding Davit Kezerashvili has been known for a long time, the further he is from Georgian politics, the better for the future of the country.

Nothing is more important than maintaining the moral superiority in a decisive battle for the country.

We consider politics to be a public matter, which should not be governed by behind-the-scenes influences or money, that's why we created the Akhali party.

I am not planning any meeting with him on any issue, either now or in the future," said Nika Melia.

Robin Wagener - With the law on "transparency of foreign influence", there will be no EU membership - No chance for that
Estonian Ambassador to Georgia - If we want EU membership, we should all play by the rules - The Georgian Government on the one hand says that they are moving closer to the EU, but their actions do not prove that