Iago Khvichia: I typed LGBT propaganda in Google and Google offered me Papuashvili - this is the answer to who is the main LGBT propagandist in the country

I typed LGBT propaganda in Google and Google offered me Papuashvili. This is the answer to who is the main LGBT propagandist in the country - Georgian Dream is involved in Pride, - one of the leaders of Girchi, Iago Khvichia, told journalists about the constitutional amendments prepared by the ruling party on family values and protection of minors.

According to him, not a single victim has been found so far in the ranks of Georgian Dream, who would "take the full weight of this bill".

"Nobody has spent so much time on discussions on this topic, and no one has wanted to write a specific article ina constitution adopted by himself. In fact the only change is that they ban LGBT propaganda without having a single affected person. So far, not even one victim has been found in the ranks of Georgian Dream, who would bravely stand up and take on himself the entire weight of this bill; He would say that I was the unfortunate one who fell victim to this propaganda in my youth”, - said Iago Khvichia.

When asked whether the mentioned changes will lead to controversy in the society, Khvichia says that the only interested party is Georgian Dream.

"With this LGBT propaganda, I don't know with whom the situation may be strained, because it has only one interested party - Georgian Dream”, Khvichia said.

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